These are a few observations from my cycling experience in Czech Republic:
- Great cycling paths. You can find them here (you need to zoom in closely to see them).
- No stray dogs.
- At weekends a lot of shops and services are closed.
- Along cycling routes (and towns) there are inns where you can eat and drink cheaply.
- There are lots of cyclists so you can always find somebody who will give you directions.
- Czechs are very kind and helpful.
- But you won’t find easily somebody who will let you camp in their garden.
- Tourist information are even in small towns. They have better or worse cycling maps and will store your bike (unless it’s Mikulov).
- Dobrý den – Hello
- Dêkuji – Thank you
- Stan – Tent
- Mozu zde stanovac? – Can I put up my tent here?
- Rovnê – Straight
- Doleva – Left
- Doprava – Right
- Na krizovatce – On the crossroad
- Na kole – By bike
- Kolik? – How much?
- Cyclostezka – Cycling path
- Cesta – Road
- Hlavna cesta – Main road
If you have the superpower to speak Polish (like I do), you won’t have problems with communicating.